current artist’s statement and pictures

This page is some sample from my notebooks and napkin drawings and paintings in progress and or finished .As they evolve so will my artists statements and whatever it turns out my intentions are,I hope their not good…butLord please DO,nt let me be misunderstood

what the fox

”What the fox.”Oil on canvas,with old found photographic prints.

spaceman  ” Falling out of Orbit” ,encaustic,pigment, little man on marine ply.  In the private collection of David Millard,world class astronaut.


fishfarmfeeding”Feeding Fish on Deenish”,encaustic pigment and photo image Size ,enormous.Soon to be in the private collection of Marine Harvest.




”Daddylonglegs” on cottage window ,pencil sketch.


DSCF9098  ” Old crow”  pencil sketch.


DSCF9100   ”Bush kangaroo ”,fota wildlife park,pencil sketch.



DSCF9104”Josie” at community games swimming gala cit,cork,pencil sketch.




”Cheetahs” Fota wildlife park,pencil sketch.




”Wonderfull bird”,pencil sketch.



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